Developing Assessment Indicators for Iranian Intellectual Property Rights System (IPRS)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 associate professor

2 h

3 faculty member


Today IPR have become one of the most important factors in the country's sustainable economic growth and there are various models for assessing and comparing the national system of IPR in countries. Iran ranked 91th out of 125 countries, according to 2018 IPRI[1] report and was placed 15th from among countries in the MENA region[2]. This paper attempts to review the latest IPR assessment models used by countries and relevant international institutions, and present the corresponding components and indicators of the assessment dimension of the National IPR System of Iran. By systematic study, dimensions, and corresponding components and indicators of the system compiled, A conceptual framework was developed, a Questionnaire has been adopted to collect data and the qualitative data analysis pertains to fifteen dimensions (corresponding components and indicators), identified through our collaboration with the experts. In order to determine the relationship between dimensions and to depict the driving Power and Dependence of dimensions, leveling and eliminating the content inconsistencies of the factors by the experts, an ISM approach was used. The Findings indicate, that the Assessment Dimension and Related Criteria is in the dependent cluster on the model of the IPRS and consists of ten components and eighty indicators.

[1] -International Property Rights Index

[2] - Middle East and North Africa


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