Guide for Authors

Dear users! The author is responsible for publishing any classified content and the magazine does not bear any responsibility in this regard, so please refrain from sending classified articles. At the same time, it is necessary for the respected authors to complete the intellectual property work sheet form and the commitment of non-security classification, the link of which is placed at the end of this article. Dear users, before uploading your article, first put the word file of your article in the quarterly template format and put it on the site along with the correct translation of the English abstract. In addition, the article should be placed in the template in such a way that the page numbers are indicated. If the article is not in the template format or does not have a correct translation of the English abstract, we will not accept your article. At the same time, in the word file of the submitted article, the names and titles of the author or authors must be removed, and finally, after being approved by the referees and receiving a passing grade, send the final file of your article along with the names and titles of the authors for printing. To prepare a template, refer to the last part of this article. Note: The condition of accepting an article in this journal is to cite the journal's articles in the text of the article. A) How to compile the text of the article The number of pages of articles, at least 18 and at most 26 A4 pages, in accordance with the pagination specified in paragraph "b" of this guide and also taking into account the following:

1) The first page contains: § full title of the article, first and last name of the author/authors, position and scientific rank, postal address in Farsi, email address, telephone number and fax number; § The abstract includes an introduction to the subject in one or two lines from the literature on the subject, stating the purpose, methodology and results of the research, in a maximum of 250 words; § Keywords include up to 5 keywords that play a central role in the main text of the article.

2) The second page contains the English translation of the article title, abstract and keywords.

3) The third page onwards includes: § Introduction; Including the introduction to the discussion, the statement of the problem, the importance and necessity of the research, the purpose, the question/questions or the purpose and the hypothesis/hypotheses. The contents of this section are mentioned without titles. § Theoretical Foundations; including research background, conceptualization of variables and related literature, theoretical framework, presentation of conceptual model and the like; § Methodology; Including the type of research, research method, statistical population, sample size and sampling method, data collection method and its tools, determining the validity and reliability of the data collection tool, data analysis and answering the question or hypothesis test if any. The contents of this section are presented in several paragraphs without headings. § Analyzing data and research findings; including two parts of research findings and analysis of findings. § Conclusion and proposal: This part includes propositions to answer the research question or hypothesis along with strategic and practical proposals in two separate sections "conclusion" and "proposals". § List of sources: The list of sources referred to in the text should be arranged in two Persian and English sections; To know the details of the citation method used in the articles of this quarterly, refer to the information base of the Higher National Defense University at the address Also, an example of how to write sources is provided in the template file of the quarterly magazine.

 Principles of pagination and article writing:

1) The article must be typed in Microsoft Office Word 2007 and higher editions.

2) Dimensions from the page margin,

3 cm above the page; bottom of the page 1.8 cm; left page 2.5 cm; and the right side of the page should be adjusted by 2.5 cm; To know the type, style and size of the font in writing the article, refer to the information base of the Higher National Defense University at the address or the quarterly magazine template. T)- The points that the respected author of the article should follow when preparing and submitting the article: § Quarterly magazine is excused from accepting articles that do not comply with the formal structure mentioned in this guide. § The quarterly magazine is free to edit articles. § Received articles will not be returned. § Articles that have used previous issues of this quarterly in their sources will be prioritized for review. § The magazine is prohibited from publishing articles with false names, therefore, it is necessary to attach an image of a valid document that indicates the real identity of the sender of the article. § The letter of commitment form (originality of the work) should be signed by the responsible author, completed and sent to the appendix of the article. § The submitted article should not be published in Persian-language publications inside or outside the country. § Articles extracted from doctoral or master's theses will be accepted only with the approval of the supervisor. § The text of the article in the form of two electronic files of the article, Word and PDF, should be sent to the journal through the portal at By the way, the e-mail of the quarterly is