The Directive Pillars of Private Sector from Ayatollah Khamenei's Points of View (Doctrine, Goals, Policies)

Document Type : Research Paper


Supreme National Defense University


     In the first decade of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the government had a large quota in economic activity, but in the following decades, the tendency in reduction of governmental ownership and the delegation of activities to the private sector gradually intensified, and within the first to fifth five-year plans this considering was realized. Anyway, after four decades of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, despite affirmations of Iran’s Supreme Leader, the announcement of General Policies of Article 44 of Constitution and the emphasis on the policies of the resistive economy, we did not find the desired result in strengthening the position of the private sector in the national economy yet.
     The purpose of this article is to summarize the statements and explain the discourse of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution in the field of private sector, which will be realized through the achievement of Ayatollah Khamenei's doctrine, goals and policies around the issue. In this regard, the qualitative research method of the basic theory (data of the foundation) has been used and the results obtained from this research depict that his doctrine in the field of private sector embraces "progress with justice", "administration of economic affairs based on Islamic values", "respect to the principle of private property ownership" and "avoid monopoly and alien domination". The goals that were outlined involve "increasing the share of the private sector in the national economy", "relying on the private sector's economic capacities", "promoting the economic security of the private sector", "generating public participation in social and economic activities", "competitive and competition expanding economy" and "increased efficiency and competitiveness". This doctrine and goals will be realized through the following policy components: These components are "empowering the private sector", "economic stability for the private sector", "combating the economy corruption", "supporting national production in order to attract the private sector participation", "making the private sector's economic activities as knowledge based activities" and "popularize the economy and spread public ownership". In the end, according to the Supreme Leader's discource, people's worth and management have to enter the realm of the economy.


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    ب- انگلیسی

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