Strategic Model of Human Resources Education Tailored to the Agility and Professionalism of NAJA

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Supervisor

2 NAJA- Baqer al-ulum (PBUH) ِdepartment


In a variable environment, it is necessary to create and develop organizations that are agile and professional and are highly sensitive to change. The most important element in this area is the human resources, which play roles in the agility and professionalism of the organization. In order to function properly and effectively, the human resources are necessary to be competent; accordingly, the present study was conducted with the aim of presenting a "Strategic Model of Human Resources Education tailored to the Agility and Professionalism of NAJA". This research is objective, applied and developmental, and in terms of research method, it is a mixed-research type. The data collection method is library and field data and the sample size is 23 according to the Morgan Table. To determine validity and validity of the tool, Lawshe coefficient and Cronbach's alpha, and SPSS software and Smart PLS software were used to test the proposed model. Based on the findings and results of the research, the strategic model of human resources training is proportional to the agility and professionalism of NAJA from 5 dimensions and 32 components as follows: 1. Principles and values, including God-centeredness, velayatmadary, cooperation and coordination, revolutionary thinking and behavior, accountability and consistency, law and order, and compliance, intelligence, modernity and dynamism and flexibility 2. Effective factors (inputs), including: human resources, physical resources, financial resources, organizational culture, organizational structure, IT platform, education approach and knowledge management 3- Competency-oriented human resource training process, including: competence-based assessment, design, implementation and evaluation 4. Effective environmental factors, including: political, economic, cultural, social, technology, legal and scientific-professional environment 5. Achievements (outputs), including: human resources tailored to the agility and professionalism of NAJA, agile and professional NAJA, speeding up and accuracy in NAJA missions, and promoting community order and security.


  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

    • قرآن کریم
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