“The Model of Performance Enhancement in Maritime Supply Chain with a Sustainable Strategic Development Approach”

Document Type : Research Paper


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Today, many requests are presented to business companies by various stakeholders of the maritime supply chain such as shareholders, banks, commodity owners and regulatory agencies to review their duties and responsibilities by considering some important aspects such as Environmental, economic, social and governance issues. In fact, the concept of sustainable strategic development also refers to promoting the effective collaborations and interactions between these elements in the maritime supply chain. The main purpose of the research is to provide a comprehensive framework for sustainable strategic development in the field of maritime industry in the country which has been carried out by taking into account some key components such as stakeholder demands and supply chain performance. The method of collecting data in this study is a field-library one. After identifying various measures of the three main components of this research, namely, requests received from the stakeholders, sustainable strategic development and enhancement of the performance in shipping industry, ultimately, the results obtained by using the Delphi technique were moderated. Then, based on the five-option Likert Scale, a questionnaire is developed and distributed among the statistical samples. Meanwhile, structural equation modeling and path analysis techniques are used for data analysis. At the end, an appropriate model has been presented for explaining the relationship between the three main components of the conceptual model in this industry, so that the demands received from the beneficiaries directly have a significant relationship with the concept of enhancement in the performance of the maritime supply chain. Also, the mentioned requests indirectly and through the role of sustainable strategic development has a significant relationship with the enhancement of the performance of the maritime supply chain

الف- فارسی
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