Designing and explaining the interactive model of the challenges of the classical approach to strategy and organizational Teachings from it in the era of uncertainty; a Case Study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 phd candidate

2 associate professor

3 assistant professor


The speed of environmental changes and increasing the level malleability and unpredictability of business environments, Severely reduced the Efficiency and effectiveness of classical approach to strategy. Because of the unquestionable facts and the basic assumptions of classical approach to strategy has been damaged and Faced with fundamental difficulties that it does not respond to competition and excellence in the era of uncertainty. This article tries to identify and explain the problems and challenges of the classical approach to strategy and organizational teachings related to the modification, correction and completion of it, to design and fit interactive and structural model. In this study, for designing and explaining the interactive model of this research, while conducting library studies, based on qualitative content analysis method and theoretical coding, was performed to semi-structured interview in 21 industry if Defence Holding firm. Accordingly, the results of the analysis of qualitative data whose validity was confirmed by professors and academic experts was shown in the form of 2 latent variable, 11 key components and 37 observed variables. Also, the fitness and acceptable validity of graphic relationships in the interactive model of this study performed on structural equation modeling. The results of applying the proposed methodology implies to sustainable competive advantage and discipline without flexibility in strategy processes, as basic challenges of classical approach to strategy, and pragmatism and flexibility, as most key of organizational teachings in the era of uncertainty, in this case study.


  • منابع:

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