The Effect of Electronic Information Sharing on Innovative Behavior of Employees in Organizations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty member

2 ma student


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of electronic information sharing on employee's innovative behavior in specialized clinics of Baqiyatallah Hospital in 1396. Type of research according to the purpose  is applied and In terms of data collection method is a correlation type of descriptive method that using the two methods of field studies (collecting questionnaire data) and library (compilation of theoretical bases), the present situation has been studied. The statistical population includes employees employed in the studied population in 1396, numbering 267 people. In analyzing the findings of the questionnaires, Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression analysis were used. For this purpose, SPSS software has been used. The results of the analysis of the findings show that the electronic information sharing dimensions have been able to predict the variations of all five dimensions of innovative behavior (providing useful and constructive ideas, promoting new ideas, creativity and innovation, an interest in creativity and innovation, and the use of existing facilities) with different coefficients.


منابع و مآخذ
الف) منابع فارسی
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