Effect of Participatory strategic planning and strategic flexibility on the implementation of the strategy in small and medium industries

Document Type : Research Paper


1 phd candidate

2 associate professor


Due to the characteristics of the environment, Strategic planning and its accurate implementing can be useful solution to maintain the competitive position and organizations survive. According to many experts, planning and successful implementation of strategies requires the participation of all levels of the organization and without their cooperation achieving this goal will face with numerous challenges. Accordingly, this article with focus on the role of human resources in planning and implementing strategies, try to investigate the effect of participatory strategic planning and  strategic flexibility on the implementation of the strategy in small and medium industries. The sample is 171 executives working in companies based in Kerman industrial areas and questionnaire was used for data collection and reliability of the questionnaire was 0/949. For data analysis, structural equation modeling method and AMOS software was used. The results indicate that the participatory strategic planning has a significant positive effect on strategic flexibility, human resources commitment and strategy implementation. Also it was found that participatory strategic planning effect on political behavior adversely. Another result of this study is that human resources commitment can lead to successful implementation of the strategy. But the results showed that political behavior and strategic flexibility have not significant effect on strategy implementation.


منابع و مآخذ
الف) منابع فارسی
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