The role of effective components of e-government in achieving the goals of the resistance economy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MS in Industrial Engineering, Payam-e Noor University -Faculty of Engineering

2 Assistant professor, Industrial Eng. Department, Payam-e Noor University - Tehran-Iran



E-government and its application in societies have a special place. One of the important approaches in which e-government can play an important role is the issue of resistance economy. With the advent of information technology and the use of e-government, wide opportunities have been provided for the growth and development of the country in the conditions of resistance economy.

The research aims to investigate the effectiveness of e-government in achieving the goals of the resistance economy. Also, the research is of applied and developmental type and its research method is descriptive and library and survey methods have been used to collect information. The statistical population of insurance industry experts is 329 and the statistical sample size is 172.

The results show that the use e-government in society has an effective role in achieving the goals of the resistance economy and three components of e-government, service quality, ease of access and system monitoring having the greatest impact on the resistance economy. Also, the main effect of using e-government on improving public welfare is one of the criteria of a resistance economy.


  • منابع

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