The role of cyberspace in the national governance of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 phd candidate, national security faculty, SNDU

2 Socio- Economic Systems Engineering, industrial engineering college, Iran University of Science and Technology


In the early years of the Internet, the various functions of this technology were not known even among the academic community. Hence, there was a passive approach to the Internet, and by default it was referred to as threatening technology. Now, although a relatively short life has passed since the advent of the Internet and its development, the increasing expansion and formation of cyberspace and its integration with the lives of people in all dimensions and aspects, the dual nature (threat and opportunity) of this technology has become more prominent. The main purpose of this study is to explain the political, economic, cultural, social and security role of cyberspace in the national governance of the Islamic Republic of Iran. These dimensions are taken from studies in this field and reference models such as PESTEL. This research is of applied-development type and has been done by case-based method. The statistical population is 37 elites with managerial positions who have at least a master's degree. The method of data collection was field and library and the findings were analyzed using SPSS method. The research results indicate that cyberspace has 9 political functions, 10 economic functions, 9 socio-cultural functions and 9 security functions.


Main Subjects

  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

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