Identifying the components of public-defense diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran with an emphasis on cyber space

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Passive Defense Department / Farabi College / Tehran / Iran

2 Department of Basic Sciences / Farabi College / Tehran / Iran

3 basic sience. farabi .tehran.iran


Diplomacy is a peaceful solution to achieve the goals and national interests of countries at the lowest possible cost, and if the principles of its use are well observed, it will achieve to the goals. nowadays, the use of cyberspace in the field of diplomacy has been considered by different countries. current study was conducted with the aim to identify the components of public-defense diplomacy of the I.R.I with an emphasis on the cyberspace in both formal and informal areas and by asking the question, what are the official and informal factors influencing the components of the public-defense diplomacy of the I.R.I with an emphasis on the cyberspace? The statistical population includes Experts who are knowledgeable about diplomacy and cyberspace issues, who are aristocracy in the defense field. This research is of applied type and has been collected in a field method through questionnaires, library documents and Internet sites. The results show that in the field of formal diplomacy to hold online defense courses, strengthen defense diplomacy and convince neighboring and rival countries from the context of cyberspace have the most effective and in the field of informal diplomacy, the dissemination of defense information by observing the principles of protection in order to deterrence, the broadcasting of defense programs on the official website of the Ministry of Defense and the critique of defense and military policies of neighboring countries and the regions, from the perspective of the statistical community in this research, have a higher priority.


Main Subjects

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