Gap Analysis of the Culture of a Defensive Organization in accordance with the respected Model Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces

Document Type : Research Paper


1 associate of professor of Malek Ashtar University

2 Business Administration Ph.D., Assistant professor of Shahid Sattari Aeronautical University of Science and Technology

3 Associate Professor of Faculty of Management, Shahid Sattari Air University

4 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, Shahid Sattari University, Tehran, Iran


Organizational culture as the spirit and identity of the organization is one of the most important drivers of success, performance and excellence of the organization and its relevance to the requirements of the mission and expectations of key stakeholders makes it a valuable asset. Therefore, the present study evaluates the current situation of organizational culture in a defensive organization in comparison with the cultural model expected by the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces and offers solutions for cultural improvement. This research is descriptive, survey and applied. The statistical population consists of the personnel of the studied organization. Sampling was done by stratified random sampling. The required data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis and mean difference tests. Data analysis showed that there was a significant difference between its current and expected situation of the dimensions and components of the organizational culture of the organization. There were the most and the least gaps in the dimensions of environmentalism and structuralism, respectively. There was also the largest gap in the components of human resource maintenance and development, knowledge-based, identity, human relations, and strategic orientation, and the least gap in the components of mission-oriented and discipline. Accordingly, Managing and improving organizational culture requires extensive cultural plans and activities to reduce these identified gaps. Implementing the proposed solutions by considering the priority of dimensions and components can help improve the effectiveness of these efforts.


Main Subjects

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