Providing a Model for AJA Business Process Re-Engineering

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, DAFOOS University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant professor, Imam Khomeini Naval university of Noshahr, Iran.

3 Assistant professor, IMAM ALI University, Tehran, Iran.


Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR), is fundamental rethinking,amd radical redesign of the processes that have critical role in improvement of efficiency. However, its successful implementation requires some prerequisites among which desgining an indispensible native model is one. Besides, designing a native model for military organizations especially the Army of Islamic Republic of Iran receives more importance regarding the constantly changing nature of the battlefield and incessant changes of circumstances. Thus, apropos of of its significance, the present study aims at presenting a model for Aja Business Processes Re_engineering. Accordingly, reviewing the statements of the Supreme Leader, high level documents, and existing models of process re-engineering along with expert meetings and validation are among the most important practices done to accomplish the objectives. Considering its objective, the following research fits under applied category. Its methodlogy is mixed method research. Consequently, the research provides a suggested model including two impressive sections as: 1) planning and preparing, 2) identifying and analyzing, 3) performing, 4) evaluation and developement


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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