esign and validation of strategic entrepreneurship model in public institutions with a mixed approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 municipality of qazvin

2 Professor, Department of Industrial Management and Information Technology, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Organizational Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Entrepreneurship in public institutions is one of the fundamental factors that has been ignored or addressed in many countries in the short term. Given the existing gap, this article aims to design and validate the strategic entrepreneurship model in public institutions with a mixed approach. This study is a fundamental research that has been done in a mixed way. In terms of method and time frame of data collection is also a cross-sectional research. The statistical population in the model presentation section includes managers and experts of the country's municipalities who have been selected by purposive sampling. In a small part, the views of 384 municipal employees have been used. The hyper-combined qualitative analysis method has been used to identify the underlying categories of strategic entrepreneurship. Structural-interpretive modeling method was used to present the initial model and finally the partial least squares method was used to validate and present the final model. Data analysis was performed in qualitative phase with Maxqda software and in quantitative phase with MicMac and Smart PLS software, respectively. According to the results of this analysis, strategic management and entrepreneurial leadership have an impact on government support policies, resource management and the establishment of entrepreneurial culture. These factors also affect strategic entrepreneurship and strategic entrepreneurial thinking. Finally, they lead to the research and development of organizational entrepreneurship. The elements of level four, namely strategic management and entrepreneurial leadership, have the greatest impact on the strategic entrepreneurship of public institutions


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