Identifying and prioritizing flexibility drivers in the logistics system - a case study: a military organization

Document Type : Research Paper


1 School of Strategic Management SNDU

2 Imam Hussein University


This study aims to identify and rank the effective drivers of logistics flexibility by reviewing the literature on logistics and flexibility. This research is descriptive-analytical in terms of method and applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the study was a military organization that using available sampling, 54 people were selected to complete the questionnaire and the effectiveness of each drivers was evaluated. In this research, the classification of components is based on a system model (input,process/processing, output) and the FANP model has been used to prioritize and determine effectiveness. The results of the research indicate that in the input field, the variable "uncertainty about delays, uncertainty in the delivery of items and equipment" with a final weight of 17.78 in the first place and the variable "long-term planning" with a rank of 16.41 in Last placed. In the field of processing, according to the FANP ranking, the variable "Issues related to the process of operation, labor, purchase of machinery" with a final weight of 17.01 is in the first place and the variable "Uncertainty about the time between start and end of the process" is ranked last with a rank of 10.62. In the output area, the variable "Uncertainty regarding the demand of categories, environmental turbulence" with a final weight of 32.09 is in the first place and the variable "Common organizational culture between categories" with a rank of 15.08 is in the last place.


Main Subjects

  • منابع

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