Social Security Elderly System; Emphasizing the general policies Notification of the Supreme Leader

Document Type : Research Paper




The purpose of this essay is to explain the Supreme Leader's system of thought in the field of population policies and correct confrontation with the problem of population elderly, which is achieved by introducing the components of the social security elderly system and its compliance with general population policies. In this regard, the qualitative research method, the basic theory (foundation data) is used and finally the research results show; The social security system is one of the sectors that suffers more from the demographic transition and the emergence of the phenomenon of population elderly, but it is also the most appropriate way to resolve the resulting crises. Also, although after the announcement of general population policies, the Conversation of "population control" has become "population increase", but what is certain is the general approach and the main goal of the policies of the Supreme Leader "population adaptation" and "sustainable development" In other words, preventing the decline in population growth rate by focusing on the principle of quantity and quality simultaneously. Therefore, the most necessary measures in order to prevent population elderly and the success of general population policies can be; Awareness of the current population situation, empowerment of today's young generation, Futurology of population change, review of laws and regulations, reform of social security structures and design of a comprehensive social security system tailored to the needs of the elderly pointed out that comprehensive social security services on respect and care Focus on the elderly.


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  • منابع

    الف) منابع فارسی

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