Systematic review and selection process

Document Type : Research Paper


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2 university

3 داعا


Among the activities to enter international markets, the selection of target markets is a key and strategic activity, and on the other hand, deciding on the selection of such markets is a complex and difficult task. In this article, we have tried to review the thematic literature; The main goal is to develop a framework for the process of evaluation and systematic selection of export target markets of Iran, by identifying the factors affecting the selection of target markets and using a mixed approach (descriptive-analytical method) and also selecting a targeted statistical sample of 45 experts. In the field of exports, the mentioned framework should be provided. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and the reliability was calculated and confirmed using Cronbach's alpha0.856).).The results of the research show that 65 factors are influential in selecting the target markets of Iranians, which was selected and presented as the main axis of the systematic evaluation process of this market. Upstream security factors and the security factors of the country's allies were counted and considered as the final screening criteria in the process of selecting the target markets.


Main Subjects

  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

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