Explain the dimensions, components and indicators of information and communication technology in the field of security in the I.R.I

Document Type : Research Paper


1 supreme National Defense University, defense faculty

2 Supreme National Defense University, defense faculty


Today, information technology is recognized as the main resources and assets of organizations, thuse the basis for the effective transfer, transfer and use of information in countries, so it is of particular importance and affects the security of countries. In this research, using the data method of the foundation and the process of network analysis, dimensions, components and indicators of information and communication technology in the field of I.R.I security identified and explained. The data were collected from both library and field methods (interviews with experts, distribution of questionnaires and expert meetings). Then, the information was screened and categorized and analyzed using super-decision maker software and SPSS. The results of research were distributed among the elites in the form of a questionnaire for reconfirmation and the results confirmed. This research is an applied-developmental and descriptive-analytical method with a combined approach. It has been a tool for data collection, filing, interviewing and distribution of questionnaires. The statistical population was purposefully determined and a questionnaire was distributed among them. Quantitative data analysis was performed using descriptive statistical methods and seven dimensions (intelligence measures, socio-political measures, capacity building, national and international coordination, executive structures and implementation, technical measures and laws and regulations) were counted. Each component includes (5-component intelligence measures, 5-component socio-political measures, 5-component capacity building, 4-component national and international coordination, 4-component executive and implementation structures, 6-component technical measures and 3-component laws and regulations) Each component was selected two indicators (7 dimensions, 32 components and 68 indicators).


Main Subjects

  • نابع

    الف- فارسی


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    ب- انگلیسی

    • The National Intelligence Strategy of the United States of America, 2018.