Critical Realism Epistemology Implication on Knowledge Management Research; a research based on methodology of implication-research studies

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Strategic Management

2 Professor of Faculty of Management and Economics at Tarbiat Modares University, tehran,iran


It' very common that various academic courses, human sciences, natural sciences, art and social sciences such as management, borrow ideas, models and guidelines from another one, philosophical schools, paradigms, theories, frameworks or professional disciplines to make their knowledge repository more precious. The more giver has intrinsic richness; the more borrower can take. In this regard, Critical Realism becomes a philosophical pervasive origin that the others take from it. This paper, on this framework, investigates to identify and extract epistemical implications of CR, based on Bhaskar's version mostly, for Knowledge Management, more precisely for knowledge cycle in Nonaka's view.

The research conducts via Implication Research Method, a novel one that conducted some academic theses.

The paper shows, CR, in three scope of epistemology has some considerable contributions for KM. And on it consequence, some implication can be taken. On the other hand, this paper can be a model for implication research investigation, as well, of CR and other philosophical schools.


Main Subjects

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