The Study on the Role of the General Inspection Organization in the Prevention of Administrative Violations with Approach of Coping with Escape Monitoring of Governmental Managers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Iranshahr St. Intersection of Taleghani St., corner of the Inspection Organization

2 Assistant Professor of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, Ahvaz Islamic Azad University

3 Assistant Professor of Accounting, Islamic Azad University of Sanandaj

4 Assistant Professor of Law, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


The Study on the Role of the General Inspection Organization in the Prevention of Administrative Violations with Approach of Coping with Escape Monitoring of Governmental Managers

H. Haidari , A. Mohammadi Melgharni , E. Hosseini Sadrabadi , M. R. Mehrvarz


This study paid to the role of the General Inspection Organization in the prevention of administrative with approach of coping with escape monitoring of governmental managers. The research method is survey and the data was gathered by structured questionnaire. The statistical population is all managers of administrative bodies under the supervision of the Inspection Agency, Judges and University Professors in Kurdistan Province that 234 person of them were selected by sampling. The results showed that according to the respondents, although the General Inspection Organization has acted above average in improving the efficiency of executive bodies through strategic monitoring and control, but in the strategies of promoting the culture of controllability and avoiding from escape monitoring, also, in the indicators of modern monitoring and combating corruption, it has not appeared as expected and has been relatively weak. As conclusion, without considering the positive and constructive the role of the General Inspection Organization in preventing administrative violations of governmental managers by emphasizing the coping with escape monitoring in some dimensions, but in some cases it did not appear as expected and, It needs to strengthen its oversight roles over governmental organizations and managers.


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    الف- فارسی

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