IRI’s Military Power Model Based on the Culture of Mahdism

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of National Defense University


Awaiting strategy; i.e., macro-planning and using all kinds of material and spiritual capacities for the emergence of the Imam of the Age (may God hasten his advent) is one of the most important and basic capacities to organize intelligent military power based on the culture of Mahdism.  National power includes geography, economics, politics, culture, science and technology, cyber and military might. To that end, this study seeks to explain Iran's military power as the basis of defense and security and the most important pillar of national power in three dimensions of software, hardware and intelligence. This research, an applied type, has been done in a contextual-case method, collecting information in field and library and mines data from a statistical population of 200 people that by means of the Cochran's formula the sample population equals to 86 people.  The results of the research indicate that military power based on the culture of Mahdism, in the software dimension includes the core value component with 14 indicators and the human capital component including 10 indicators. The military power in the hardware dimension includes the axial power component with 6 indicators and the axial capability component with 9 indicators. In effect, the military power in the intelligence dimension includes the knowledge-based component with 8 indicators and the technology-based component with 5 indicators the base of which is value and knowledge-oriented manpower.


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منبع لاتین:

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