Syrian Urban War Management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 ستاد کل نیروهای مسلح

2 Director of Education, Faculty of National Defense, Supreme National Defense University


There are no fixed positions in urban warfare, and war is waged in a completely complex and multidimensional environment. In urban warfare, by gaining the trust and support of the people in the form of demographic projects, it is possible to provide the ground for intelligence aristocracy against the enemy and prevent surprises. Due to its special characteristics and features, urban warfare requires special weapons. The main purpose of this article is to explain the considerations and features of urban warfare. Collection tools are questionnaires and documents that are done in a case-by-case manner with a quantitative approach and are of a practical nature. The sample population is 50 people and the method of data collection is library, in-depth interview and questionnaire. Given the nature of the war, as well as the patterns of each war, it can be argued that each war, in addition to the general considerations and features, has its own considerations and characteristics, based on the results of research on the specifics of urban warfare: From land, supply, mutual support, remote defense, deep defense, flexibility, maximum use of offensive operations, dispersion, use of available time, preparation and coordination of support projects. The experiences of the Syrian urban warfare show that the important features of the urban warfare are: complexity, variety of scenes, variety of war plans, variety of tools and weapons, high human casualties, geopolitical consequences, cost and time consuming, important role of cyberspace and the Internet, role Opposing and inimical groups.


Main Subjects

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