Defense Industry Training & Research Institute, Future Research Center, Expert Researcher
Eyvane key University. Manager
In this article, the process of roadmapping has been pathologies. This work has been done due to importance of roadmapping and the need to understand and address the challenge of providing the map. For data collection, which is mixed data, specialized panels, questionnaires, and interviews have been used. These data are analyzed with the basis of positivism and critical paradigm and with case-by-case strategy. The statistical society of the data as well as the community of community experts is the maximum. The analysis of the results shows that the efficiency of the roadmapping documentation is less than the average. These analyzes show that the challenges in the roadmapping are in management dimensions (66% weight), stakeholders (18% weight), information (10% weight), and employees (6% weight) respectively. This analysis also shows that the challenge of policy weakness (13%) is the most important challenge in the roadmapping. With an approach to storytelling, this challenges of growing over the course of a decade has been explored, that indicates some of challenges are remained, and some of new challenges has been emergence too. At the end of this paper, suggestions have been made to improve the achievements in roadmapping in three, short, medium, and long term approaches, focusing more on two axes: (1) focusing on policies and improvements to upstream documents; (2) focusing on coherence Key stakeholders in the production of information.
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Khosravi, A. , and Ahmadvand, A. . "Providing a Pattern for Recognizing the Challenges of Roadmapping in the Defense Business Area", Quarterly Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 11, 42, 2021, 156-129.
Khosravi, A., Ahmadvand, A. (2021). 'Providing a Pattern for Recognizing the Challenges of Roadmapping in the Defense Business Area', Quarterly Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 11(42), pp. 156-129.
A. Khosravi and A. Ahmadvand, "Providing a Pattern for Recognizing the Challenges of Roadmapping in the Defense Business Area," Quarterly Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 11 42 (2021): 156-129,
Khosravi, A., Ahmadvand, A. Providing a Pattern for Recognizing the Challenges of Roadmapping in the Defense Business Area. Quarterly Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 2021; 11(42): 156-129.