Explain the role of "big data" technology in the intelligence of "cyber command and control" systems and providing its practical model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Management, University of Tehran- Tehran, Iran

2 cyber space strategic management


The emergence of dramatic changes in defense concepts is not the result of hard technology, but of the fundamental change in the protocols and knowledge systems that we call soft technology. Undoubtedly, in the future, what will strengthen this emerging defense paradigm is the emerging technologies of cyberspace, such as big data technology. recognizing the process of developing application of soft technologies, including emerging big data technology, and explaining the field of impact and its impact on the intelligence of cyber command and control systems is vital and undeniable, and the results of this knowledge and explanation It can be used in upgrading and smartening native cyber command and control systems in our country. The main purpose of this study is to explain the role of big data technology in the intelligence of the cyber command and control system and to provide a practical model in this field. This research is of applied type and uses analytical descriptive method based on library resources and by analyzing the most authoritative documents published in this field, seeks to explain the role of big data technology in the intelligence of cyber command and control system. The results of this study show that with respect to the new features of cyber command and control, big data technology has supported firm decision - making, pervasive awareness and superior understanding of combat space and can play an effective role in the intelligence realization of these systems.


Main Subjects

  • الف. منابع فارسی

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