Appropriate Strategies for Development of Iran Petrochemical Industry Market

Document Type : Research Paper


Employee- Ministry of Petroleum- Tehran


The present study aimed to select appropriate strategies for development of Iran Petrochemical Industry Market by reviewing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of this market. The study is applied in a descriptive – analytical method with a documentary field approach. Research data were collected through library studies and reviews on the internet and using a researcher questionnaire. Data was analyzed using the SWOT matrix and QSPM. The statistical population of the study consisted of 140 experts, managers, presidents and customers of the National Iranian Petrochemical and Nations Iranian Gas Companies with a sample size of 57 people through random sampling. In order to conduct a survey, weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats were identified by industry experts of Iran’s Petrochemical Company as well as a review of studies carried out in this field with the brainstorming method, and then the coefficient of importance and ranking of these factors were determined in the evaluation matrix.
According to the results, weaknesses overcome strengths as well as petrochemical industry faces more threats than do opportunities. The calculated statistical value shows that strategies of the WT group (defensive strategy) were identified as selected strategies in this method. Using the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix, the strategy of focusing on the price of petrochemical products was the highest priority among other strategies on increasing the sales of petrochemical products in Iranian Petrochemical Industry.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. فارسی

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