Passive Defense Strategies in Logistics upon a Resistive-Economy Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD in Futures studies Mnagement

2 PHD in Defensive and strategical Sciences

3 Logistic teacher in Imam Hossein University.


In this study, with the aim of investigating the importance of passive defense activities in the logistical for the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran have been studied and analyzed. Therefore, the method of this study is “Survey” and its statistic population is a total of 200 persons; using a paired comparisons matrix, the environmental factors are prioritized separately. The sample size with a 5 % error, 95 % confidence and 0.8 % tolerable error in measurement hits 86 persons, which is considered to be 90 persons for higher accuracy and greater reliability of the sample size. In addition, the status quo is compared with the desired state and while determining the percentage of facility allocation, the formulation of relevant passive defense strategies is carried out. Then, using TOPSIS method, the strategies are prioritized and finally the appropriate strategy for passive defense is developed upon a resistive economy approach. This study showed that by means of the important pillars of the general policies of the resistive economy, it is possible to devise new strategies in passive defense against threats that have been difficult to mitigate before, and by which, it could be possible to resolve some of the problems in passive defense logistics in the near future.



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