Studying the Organizational Anger’s Cuases In Street Level Bureaucrats (Case Study: Central Organization for Rural Cooperatives of Qom)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Director of research

2 Higher Education Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran

3 Public Administration, Faculty fo Management and Economics, Allameh Tabatabaei University


Street level bureaucrats (SLBs) play an important role in giving public service to clients. Based on previous studies, SLBs have an undeniable role in public policy implementation and clients’ satisfaction.
SLBs are very close to the citizens and this closeness bring them to a complicated relationship with many different citizens. Citizens with different situations and various requests, needs and expectations that come to public organizations for solving their problems and when they see unsolved problems, it might end in confrontation and some behaviors like anger.
In this research, we tried to understand different causes of anger in street level bureaucrats by referring to SLBs in Central Organization for Rural Cooperatives of Qom. For this purpose, we interviewed with 12 SLB managers and then we analyzed and categorized them based on codes, concepts and categories. The main obstacles are organizational, legal, personal and context-based which lead to SLBs’ anger. Finally, the theory was developed based on the relationships between categories. Also some suggestions were given based on the obtained results.


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