Comparison of Strategic Model for Planning crime prevention with Partial Models

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Law. Qom University. Qom. Iran

2 Faculty of Law, Qom University. Qom. Iran


One of the most fundamental requirements for improving the effectiveness of crime prevention programs in any country is the design of an optimal model for planning and organizing preventive measures. Despite all the efforts made in this regard, common patterns (micro-based) of prevention planning do not have much to do with many weaknesses. In the study, during the comparison of the strategic model with the micro-based of crime prevention planning, attempted to identify the gaps in the micro-based patterns and thus the advantage of the strategic model towards the micro-based patterns .This research is Practical in terms of the purpose and the documentary in terms of method and the means of collecting information is taking notes. The results show that micro-based patterns have not made much progress, and failed efforts to improve the effectiveness of prevention programs, due to crime simplification and prevention, lack of attention to the promotion of knowledge of preventive actors, lack of transparency in the implementation process, lack of attention to strategic orientation and environmental organizations, paying particular attention to crime elimination strategies and, in some cases, not having functional aspect. In contrast, the strategic model is more efficiency, due to the presentation of a large picture of the prevention process, attention to strategic orientation, general policies, attention to together environment and crime, as well as how to determine and select strategies. Using this model can make crime prevention programs in Iran more successful than the present situation.


  • منابع

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