A Model for Developing Capability-Based Strategies in the Marine Industry Organization with a Futures Studies Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of School of Management, Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 Researcher

3 Assistant Professor at Allameh Tabatabaei University

4 Assistant Professor of Malek Ashtar University

5 Associated Professor Of Malek Ashtar


As one of the different industrial organizations of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Marine Industry Organization (MIO) has been using the most common patterns in organizations and businesses to develop their capabilities. Due to the specific conditions of these organizations, despite some successes, they need to customize the mentioned organizational patterns in the regard of which, some efforts have been made. In the same vein, this research is aimed to present an improved model for the procedural pattern of strategy formation in MIO. To that end, the research applies Interpretative-Structural Modeling (ISM) as the method. By this method, the pattern is designed and then is approved upon experts’ opinions. The basic approach for this pattern is "capabilities" and also, it has been used through futures studies approaches, in particular "scenario analysis" to manage the uncertainty of the future environment of MIO. Finally, to avoid abstract approach, it has been implemented in MIO and its strategies for technological capabilities development are extracted.


منابع و مآخذ
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