Identifying and presenting the framework of agile innovation components in industrial defense organizations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of the faculty of the University of Technology, Calcut Ashtar

2 Assistant Professor of Malek Ashtar University of Technology / Head of Malek Ashtar University of Technology

3 associate professor, SNDU


Agile innovation is a gradual way of managing design and engineering activities, information technology and other business areas that aim to develop new products or services in a highly flexible and interactive way. The present study, by acknowledging the above, seeks to identify and present the framework of agile innovation components in defense industrial organizations and seeks to answer the main question that can be useful for the agile innovation of industrial defense organizations. This study was conducted using descriptive-survey method and using 10 experts to extract the basic components of two methods of extensive library research and Delphi technique. Finally, 31 items were categorized into three dimensions. To evaluate the validity of the model, the Level software was used. A statistical society of 220 people who were purposefully selected responded to the questionnaire questions. The main results of the research are as follows: In order to achieve agility innovation in industrial defense organizations, organizational dimensions (16 components), strategic (7 components) and industrial (8 components) should be considered.


منابع و مآخذ
الف) منابع فارسی
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