Appropriate Strategy for Maintenance and Repair of Defense Systems by Means of TOPSIS

Document Type : Research Paper


air defense university


The purpose of this research is to review the strategies of maintenance and repair and the appropriate one for the maintenance and repair of defense systems. Accordingly, the researcher answers this question, which is the most appropriate strategy for maintaining and repairing defense systems? The research method in this paper is a descriptive (case) and mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative), quantitatively descriptive statistics and using multi-criteria and qualitative research methods (OR) through content analysis.  To achieve the most appropriate strategy for the implementation of specific maintenance and repairing equipment, the TOPSIS Technique to prioritize alternatives (methods) according to the five criteria of work speed, the cost of implementing the steps, the quality of the work, the number of employees required and precision are used. The statistical population of this research consists of 9 experts in the field of maintenance and repair of defense departments and 50 managers, commanders and chiefs of the equipment parts and defense systems in the queues and headquarters. The results of the ranking show that in order to deal with the circumstances, comprehensive maintenance and repair procedures, maintenance and repairs, maintenance and repairs in a predictive manner, maintenance and repairs, maintenance and repairs are important in order respectively. Therefore, comprehensive maintenance and repairing methods, considering the distance less than the positive criteria and also the distance from the negative criteria, are more favorable than the other methods discussed and the most appropriate method for maintaining and repairing defense systems.


  1. منابع

    الف- فارسی

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