Qualitative Approach to Islamic Civilization in New Millennium

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. candidate in Strategic Management

2 Faculty member, SNDU


Civilizations have always been on their natural route to evolution along with injuries and challenges. In confrontation with other cultures and civilizations, they should attempt to protect their ideas, achievements and cultural identity; prevent the impact on the cultural geometry or structure of their identity and the damage or inefficiencies resulting from this conflict on the structure of civilization and their arrays. Recognizing the obstacles, injuries and challenges of the course of the movement of modern Islamic civilization is very vital and a major factor in its survival. The purpose of this study is to investigate obstacles, injuries and challenges facing modern Islamic civilization, and ultimately provide solutions to protect it in the new millennium. The method used in this research is that of institutional futures studies, i.e. to collect the information and the data, the method of consensus of experts, and to clarify it, the institutional writing is exploited in such a way that the conclusion is the approach which could protect the civilizational movement in various areas. Initially, using the interviews, concepts related to the injuries, challenges and barriers of modern Islamic civilization were extracted based on the theory of data in three stages of coding, axial coding and selective coding. Following, the conceptual model of the research was meanwhile designed. Ultimately, the findings indicated that a burgeoning successful civilization could historically protect its structure, movement and survival in the phases of preparation, and immunize its arrays in the face of opposing civilizations.


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. فارسی

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