Introducing a Model of Implementing Knowledge Management in Risk Management Process for Electronic Banking With System Dynamics Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 phd in it management, Islamic azad university

2 faculry member, Islamic azad university

3 Department of Technology Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran


Today, business face with new risks due to imbalances and changes in the market. After a while, in competencies in effectively managing the risks will result in negative impressions on the business. In these cases, Organizations have to apply new methods to solve risks in working atmospheres. One of the most efficient solutions to this, is knowledge management including risk management in different business processes.
Accordingly, this research seeks to study on the possibilities of benefiting knowledge management along with electronic banking risk management having a system dynamics approache. This study also tries to present an applied model given birth through integrating knowledge and risk in order to reduce risks in electronic banking.
Moving toward this goal, after a review on literature and related documents, first the key variables in knowledge management were recognized and on their bases the model dynamics hypotheseis was presented. Subsequently, the cause and effect diagram and also stock and flow diagram were illustrated and equation of model variables were derived.
In the end, Following the process of testing and simulating dynamics model, also benefiting Vensim software, different scenarios were proposed to crat an applied version of the model. The results of selected scenarios showed an improvement in variables linked to the risk management process while benefiting knowledge management.


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. فارسی

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