Strategic Model of Political Polling System in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Advisor to Basij Mostazafin Organization

2 Assistant Professor, Tehran Central Azad University

3 Associate Professor Azad University Tehran Center

4 Assistant Professor of Imam Hossein University


Survey is a valuable tool for assessing the state of the public opinion in any subject. The goal of the political polling system is to generate information relevant to the views of the public on various political issues, with precision and speed, and to provide users and stakeholders with it. The religious democracy system has indicators to measure and measure its performance, including consultation with the public and their participation in the administration of the community and the value of the people's vote. Therefore, the political polling system based on religious democracy aims to preserve and promote the human and moral values ​​of the society, thus contributing to the strengthening of the relationship between the people and the government by providing continuous, accurate and accurate votes and opinions of the people. Understanding the optimal (strategic) pattern of the political polling system in the Islamic Republic of Iran is the main question of the research, which the researcher, by examining the status quo, examines the upstream dimensions to the dimensions, components and indicators of the strategic model of the political survey system. In this research, the research methodology of the Foundation's data Used. To answer the questions by referring to the research community, 42 research interviews with 24 experts and elites were conducted.
The results of the research show that the independence and neutrality of the polling organizations, the observance of ethical and professional principles, and the honest publication of the results of the survey along with its methodological information are among the most important principles emphasized in the desirable political polling system.


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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