Inter-organizational Coordination for the Strategic Management of Natural Disasters: Methods of Enhancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 phd candidate

2 reasercher


One of the basic concerns in Crisis Management is Inter-Organizational Coordination. The lack of inter-organizational coordination for Natural Disasters leads to damages such as increased casualties, injuries and financial expenses.
In this research, to clarify the methods to enhance inter-organizational coordination for the management of natural disasters,  the factors affecting this type of coordination will be developed by theorizing and framing and also measuring the impact of each factor in the form of a conceptual model.
The type of Research is applied and developmental, the information of which is provided by library studies (documental), interview with experts (Delphi method) and comments from 100 experts with practical experience and it was analyzed with SPSS software. Finally, the factors affecting the inter-organizational coordination and its relations are explored by using the structural equation model and this conceptual model (Amos) is testified with a high percentage.
Based on the results of the proposed model and its factoral relations, six methods for enhancing inter-organizational coordination in strategic management of natural disaster is achieved.


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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