Conceptualization of Ethical Leadership in Governmental Organizations with a Native Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


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In today's world, organizations are the most important part of society. The fulfillment of organizational goals and demands is influenced by various factors such as commitment, justice and organizational trust, ethical culture and ethical behavior in the organization. To implement ethics in governmental organizations also, leaders and managers need to be familiar with this category and it is also a prominent example of implementing ethical behaviors. The present research studies and analyzes ethical leadership in governmental organizations with the aim of conceptualizing it. This research has been carried out within the framework of a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interview tools are used to collect data. With the use of snowball sampling method, 10 experts and professors of expert management in this field have been selected and interviewed. Theme Analysis method has been used to analyze the data and based on the results, conceptualization has taken place. Ethical leadership includes two personal and contextual dimensions. The personal dimension is personality, behavioral, and spiritual and the contextual dimension includes management and social features.


  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

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