Analysis of The Short-Term and Long-Term Relationships of The Effective Factors in The Realization of Resistive Economy and Domestic Production Boom

Document Type : Research Paper


1 professor

2 ss


An effort to improve the economic situation based on a resistive economy can lead to an increase in the national production and the localization of industrial and modern technology. In this study, based on the general policies of resistive economy and the important variables in achieving a resistive economy, a model including the variables of the share of gross capital formation from GDP, the ratio of active population to total population, patents, the share of sum exports and imports of goods and services from GDP, share of government expenditures on education from GDP, and the official exchange rate was selected and the effect of these variables on the resistive economy and GDP is evaluated by using Auto Regressive Distributed Lag method (ARDL) based on time series data (1973-2014). The results indicate that, in the long-term, the share of gross capital formation of GDP and the ratio of active population to the total population have been the most important determinants of GDP growth in Iran. Therefore, to achieve resistive economy and pursuant to paragraphs 1, 3, 9, 10 and 20 of the general resistive economy policies, it is necessary to facilitate coordination and adjustment between the financial-monetary system, and also production and the country's foreign policy. Also, officials should consider reforming the country's educational system in order to foster creative and innovative labor where arrangements can be tailored to meet labor market needs. 


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    الف- فارسی

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