ISIL Threats against the IR of Iran before and after Collapse: Analysis & Assessment

Document Type : Research Paper


1 assistant professor

2 faculty member


Planning to control and manage insecurities and crises caused by the armed conflicts and violent clashes of the opposition requires an accurate understanding of their capabilities and capacities. In this study, attempts have been made to answer the research question not only by examining ISIL threats against Iran but also assessing the threat level of ISIL against Iran before and after the collapse of this group. This is an applied research in which analytical-descriptive method was carried out through a review of documents using security experts' ideas. The sample of the study includes a number of 30 security experts in the field. Data collection was conducted through fieldwork and deskwork. The realm of the threat is the Islamic Republic of Iran, and its period is after the collapse of ISIL for five years. The results indicated that the ISIS's threat to the Islamic Republic of Iran, after the collapse of ISIL, has not only not diminished, but also increased, since its deployment. Of course, these findings should not be interpreted as making ISIS more powerful after the collapse, but it indicates that the vast majority of ISIL capabilities at the time of deployment were used only to clash with dissenters in order to preserve and protect the captured areas, and there wasn’t the possibility of using them against Iran, but, in post-collapse situations, It is possible to use them against the Islamic republic of Iran.


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