The evolution of oil and weapons status in US- Saudi Arabia relations (2009-2019)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 professor

2 assistant professor

3 Deputy of Education for Applied Scientific Center of Shohadaye Nezaja


The relations between the two countries of Saudi Arabia as a competing regional power of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America as a global power that has interests incompatible with the Islamic Republic of Iran has been one of the important issues for the decision-makers and determinants of the country's security. Client theory and a descriptive-analytical Client theory and a descriptive-analytical method, this research try to find the answer to this question, Between 2009 and 2019, What has changed of oil and weapons position in the relationship between the United States and een the United States and In this regard, by using a Paron- Saudi Arabia? Studies show that the US is reducing its dependence on Saudi oil by increasing oil production and diversifying its oil portfolio. At the same time, this country is trying to reduce its security costs in the region, with Saudi Arabia's vast oil reserves and its position in the region, increasing the arms sales to Saudi Arabia and increasing their dependence on the country's role as an oil supplier, Leading the energy market regulator. On the other hand, the Saudis, after realizing that the US need for oil is decreasing, while doubting the American commitment to maintaining their country's security, has increased its arms purchases from that country and demonstrated its power in the international energy market to create another advantage. It is for the United States to win support and continue to unite with the United States.


منابع و مآخذ
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