Common geopolitical concerns and relationships Islamic Republic of Iran and China

Document Type : Research Paper


1 professor

2 assistant professor

3 faculty member


Continuation of the coherent and sustainable development of national strength; modernization of national defense in accordance with the internal conditions and trends of military development in the world; economic and cultural affairs of the Iranian nation; the continuation of an independent foreign policy based on peace as well as a new concept of security in order to achieve lasting security in the peripheral and international environment of the Islamic Republic of Iran are the major objectives which are central to the relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran. therefore, in this paper, the geopolitical concerns The joint Iran and China, as well as the common geopolitical concerns of the two countries, have also been prioritized. In this regard, the background of the research and related theories was first examined and then the study was done on the environment of the two countries. In order to complete the research literature with a large number of experts, a profound interview was carried out, which resulted in the geopolitical concerns of both Iran and China were evaluated and submitted to the sample community for final approval and their impact on bilateral relations between Iran and China was evaluated in the framework of the Likert Five options. After these steps, once again, these variables were evaluated using the hypothesis test, which has a positive effect on bilateral relations and defense strategies of Iran. The results indicate that common geopolitical concerns have a positive effect on the bilateral relations of Iran and China, and the bilateral relations of Iran and China have a positive impact on the defense strategies of Iran. Also, 44 common geopolitical concerns affecting bilateral relations between Iran and China have identified and prioritized 24 of the most important common geopolitical interests affecting bilateral relations between Iran and China.


منابع و مآخذ
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