Enhancing Security System in the Persian Gulf: Impacts of Mid-east Developments

Document Type : Research Paper


Broadcasting organization/corporation -General Manager


Due to its geopolitical and geostrategic location, the Persian Gulf region is one of the most important and sensitive areas of the world.Energy and security are two key and strategic issues in the region.Since Iran is considered one of the most important actors in Persian Gulf security, any program that is designed and developed for security arrangements in the Persian Gulf, is important for Iran.The presence of US troops in the Gulf region on the one hand, And the challenges that the countries of the Cooperation Council, in particular the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, are creating on the other hand,the creation of a security suite with the presence of all the bordering countries of the Gulf is faced with problems.
The issue that the developments in the Middle East in the Arab world have affected the countries of the region more than ever.Based on the hypothesis used in this article, the developments in the Middle East in 2011 have stabilized security sub-regionalism in new dimensions,And thus, it prevents the Gulf security from upgrading.The method used in this research is a descriptive-analytical method as well as site articles and database study.


منابع و مآخذ
الف) منابع فارسی
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