The basics of strategic thinking of the commanders and managers of ‎the highest levels of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Command & Staff College

2 Assistant Professor, Malik Ashter University

3 Head of Defense Faculty of SNDU

4 Ph.D. Candidate in Strategic Military Management, SNDU


Strategic thinking is the today's need of‏ ‏organizations, especially military ‎organizations. In order to create innovative and effective strategies, ‎commanders of the armed forces of the ‎Islamic Republic of Iran should be familiar with the skills of strategic ‎thinking. In order to develop ‎strategic thinking, its basics need to be identified and localized according ‎to the needs of the armed forces, so as to develop the use of this form of ‎thinking by high-level commanders and managers in formulating strategies, ‎and this will be extended to the employees as well. In this regard, the ‎purpose of this research is to explain the basics of strategic thinking from ‎the point of view of commanders and managers of the highest levels of the ‎armed forces. This is an applied-developmental research that was ‎prepared with a qualitative approach and a case-based method in 3 parts. ‎In the first part, library studies were conducted on the six foundations of ‎revelation, transmission, the thought of Imams, philosophical, intellectual ‎and scientific, and then interviews were conducted with 9 experts in this ‎field at the level of the armed forces. In the last stage, after coding the ‎data, its results in a focus group of 10 people with the presence of ‎professors and commanders of the project and the number of 91 open ‎codes, 22 central codes and 7 selective codes (success in the mission, ‎striving for excellence, perfectionism, thinking in the divine system, ‎foresight, achieving intuition by understanding concepts and creativity) ‎were confirmed.‎


Main Subjects

  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

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