Explanation of threats to the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran Affected by the normalization of relations between the UAE and the Zionist regime

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, SNDU

2 Associate professor,, SNDU

3 Assistant Professor of International Relations, SNDU

4 student of sndu in national security field


The normalization of relations between the UAE and the Zionist regime indicates a deep geopolitical change in the West Asian region, which is based on the normalization of the presence of the Zionist regime and the acceptance of its role in the region and turning it into a security, political and economic axis. This plan seeks to create a new awareness and culture in the region to allow the Zionist regime to enter the region without changing its behavior and policies towards the Palestinians. In this research, by using descriptive-analytical method of exploratory type and interviewing with experts using Delphi method, firstly, to calculate the various dimensions of the threats of the normalization of relations between the UAE and the Zionist regime against Iran, and then by using the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) of the weight and importance of each of these threats is based on the opinions of experts through the formulation of a questionnaire. On this basis, the threats of the normalization of relations between the UAE and the Zionist regime against Iran in four military-security, political, economic and cultural-social areas have been investigated and 22 sub-indices have been determined and prioritized. The results obtained from the implementation of the hierarchical analysis method indicate the priority of the military-security criterion at the level of criteria, as well as the high priority of the military-intelligence presence in the Persian Gulf at the level of options.


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  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

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