Influential components on Saudi Arabia's relations with the Zionist regime based on neo-realist theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Deputy of Education for Applied Scientific Center of Shohadaye Nezaja

2 Research Officer, Scientific-Applied Center of Nezaja Martyrs


Recent political, security, military, and economic developments in the region have forced Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime, despite their many differences (geographical, historical, cultural-religious, and governmental system), to exert influence on regional governments. Upgrade. The main purpose of this research is to identify the main components influencing and facilitating the relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime in the framework of neo-realist theory and understanding the threats posed by these relations on the security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this research, descriptive and analytical methods have been used to gather information from library and documentary sources and in order to collect scientific observations and research findings, the theoretical approach of power balance has been used. For Waltz, the balance of power is a fundamental factor in harnessing strong actors in international relations, and in fact, it is the structure of the international system and the necessity of survival. The main issue of the research is that the relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime can be explained and evaluated in the framework of neo-realist theory? The main hypothesis of the research is in response to the question that the components facilitating the relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime are based on the neorealist approach based on exploiting the system of balance of power, using political, economic, security and military opportunities for unity. Coherent governments in controlling Iran's regional and international power can be explained and evaluated.


Main Subjects

  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

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