Explaining the effect of economic aspects of Ibrahim's agreement on the national security components of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Defense, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Geography, Environment and Passive Defense, Holy Defense Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty of National Defense, University and Higher Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research, Tehran, Iran


The main question of the present study is what is the impact of the economic aspects of the Ibrahim accords on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran? The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of normalization of relations between the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf and Israel on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. An examination of the relations between the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf and the Zionist regime shows that these relations have gone beyond the former hidden situation and have covered a wide range of economic activities. In the first step, with the systematic review approach of the literature, 875 initial documents (taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria) were finally reduced to 22 final documents. . The results of the present study showed that the impact of economic relations between the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf and the Zionist regime on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran is identified in four main areas of national security. These areas include the components of leadership and supremacy of national security, national unity and solidarity,and finally defense and military power. In this study, proposals are made to establish alternative cooperation, move east in economic relations, provide the necessary incentives to the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf, and reduce the hegemony of the United States in the Middle East through the development of regional cooperation.


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  • منابع

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