The possibility of measuring the use of big data in the general policy cycle and policy areas

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Military Sciences, Imam Ali University, Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Command and Management, Imam Ali University (AS), Tehran, Iran

3 Student of PHD in science and Research university

4 Associate Professor, PNU


In the last two decades, a term called electronic government was introduced, but today we are talking about smart government, which is based on data and information. With the emergence of phenomena called data and its techniques, it is possible to collect and analyze data related to all kinds of policies in order to produce knowledge in each of the policy-making methods. Based on this, the current research was conducted with the aim of evaluating and investigating the impact of using macro in the general policy cycle and policy areas in Iran. For this purpose, quantitative fuzzy Delphi method was used The statistical population of the research is academic experts and managers and specialists in the policy field and the sample size is 17 people, which was used for sampling by non-random and targeted snowball method. In order to collect data, two questionnaires related to the feasibility of using big data in 6 stages of the policy data cycle and 16 policy areas were used. The results of the data analysis indicate that in the framework of the Islamic Republic of Iran's policy making, the use of big data in the general policy cycle is more possible in problem solving and agenda setting. Also, based on the level of preparation of each field in Iran's native conditions, it is more possible to use big data in the fields of defense and security policy, public transportation, health and safety, housing and urban development, land preparation and tax system.




    الف- فارسی

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