Identification and prioritization of new political security threats of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the horizon of 1404

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, SNDU-Tehran-Iran

2 Assistant Professor of SNDU

3 Researcher, The Group of International and Regional Environment Study


Given the fact that the regime of the Iran, after its formation, has always faced various threats from the arrogant regime, strategic logic dictates that in addition to recognizing the current threats, we must recognize new security threats that have the capacity to challenge security. They will have it in the future as well. Obviously, the political arena is one of the most important areas in which the potential for the emergence of these threats is very high. The issue of this research is that no scientific, methodical and organized research has been done yet on what kind of political security threats the new future of the Islamic Revolution of Iran is in the political field and what their manifestations are.

In line with the above-mentioned issue, the authors raised the question that the new political security threats of the Iran Who are Iran on the horizon of 1404? Based on the research literature and interviews, new political security threats were identified. In order to validate the findings, a researcher-made questionnaire was prepared and distributed among national and military experts.

The research findings show that the new political security threats of the country include "transformation of the Islamic, value and revolutionary nature of the political system, separation of people from the system, influence, disabling of sovereignty / three forces in policy-making and leadership, overthrow, convention, convention." "Information, hostility, flawed divisions of the country and dirty election money and separatist movements”.


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    الف- فارسی

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