inquiry and analysis of The Function of Social Media in Media Diplomacy to Overcome Oil and Energy Crises (twitter Social Media in Tenth and Eleventh Presidencies)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran University of Sciences and Research, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Communication, Social Communication Sciences

2 professor of Azad university branch sciences and researches of Tehran

3 professor of management Azad university branch sciences and researches of Tehran

4 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch ,Tehran, Iran.


in this study, by explaining the different dimensions of social media (Twitter ), influential factors in media diplomacy were investigated to pass through the crises of the oil and energy fields (tenth and 11th of the presidency). the necessity of discussion is to explain the pathology in this area of media diplomacy in the realm of network media.the main question is to find influential factors of social media (twitter )in media diplomacy in the crises of the oil and energy fields (the tenth and eleventh of the presidency), what functional and what function can they have to pass through similar crises? Because research is exploratory, the hypothesis is not presented to report facts without bias. this research has been done using Q method for classification and scoring to the statements obtained from the literature. The statistical community comprises about 40 influential people in the area of social media at the elite level in public and private organizations as the results show that the most important influential factors affecting social media (Twitter )are economic crises facing the political crisis in the area of oil and energy. The dominant mind pattern shows that the most important factor in social networks is the news source that feeds off overseas networks, and this can only be done by answering and directly entering people in charge of oil and energy in social networks such as Twitter


Main Subjects

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