Social Innovation System with Emphasis on Entrepreneurship Development in the New Pardis City

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Payame Noor University

2 Department of Strategic Knowledge Management, Faculty of Humanities Supreme National Defense University

3 Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Payame Noor University


This study aims to identify and evaluate entrepreneurship development strategies with the approach of social innovation system in the new city of Pardis. In terms of purpose of the study, this research is an applied study and from the point of view of data collection is a descriptive study. Mathematical Modeling and Multiple Attribute Decision Making are used for problem solving. The population of the research consists of 15 experts in the field of social innovation and entrepreneurship. According to the previous studies, the research criteria include systematic changes, large-scale publication and implementation, operational evaluation of the selected idea, practical prototype for testing ideas, idea processing for problem solving and identification of a problem that must be solved. In the analysis section, prioritization and weighting the criteria were first done. Then, using the network analysis technique, the internal relations among the criteria are calculated. Using the criteria weights obtained through Super Decision software, the Unweighted Super Matrix is formed. By calculating the Unweighted Super Matrix and the limit, the final weight and ranking of the criteria are achieved. Accordingly, the practical prototype for testing ideas, systematic changes, and operational evaluation of the selected idea have the highest priority among other criteria, for which suggestions are presented. Finally, using the Delphi technique, these strategies are screened.


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    الف- فارسی


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