Identifing The Factors Affecting Digital Marketing in Marine Industries Based on Meta-synthesis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Media Management, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran

2 Department of Public Administration, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran.


The use of digital media in marketing has become inevitable with the growth of the Internet and digital communication facilities. The purpose of the current study is to identify the factors affecting digital marketing in the marine industry by Meta-synthesis of various methods of meta-study. In the present research, a systematic review approach and qualitative meta-synthesis have been used on the results and findings of other researches. A conceptual model of factors affecting digital marketing in the marine industry is categorized according to the seven steps of the Sandloski and Barroso method. The mentioned factors were then analyzed and categorized into 13 main categories and 43 core codes based on three-stage coding. The Kappa method was used to measure the reliability and quality control of the present study. The calculated kappa coefficient was equal to 0.77, which is in the valid range. The results showed that the factors affecting digital marketing in the marine industry include; Technology, politics, finance, social, culture, human, infrastructure, market-oriented, value-oriented, innovation-oriented, customer-centric, business-level, and company-level. Finding the right marketing model, especially digital marketing which is a product of the present era, means taking steps toward a marketing path to provide other countries with the services of the maritime industry.


  • منابع

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